Brain Brolly - Protecting Brains


Given the current outbreak of Coronavirus and the understandable anxiety that exists around this for many people, we have tried to be as helpful as possible by producing some resources which we hope will be useful. We are updating this all the time based on what people are asking us most regularly to comment on. If you have particular worries or concerns, please contact us. 

We have also increased the number of appointments available to support you during this time. You can now book a 45 minute session with one of our Clinical Psychologists at a reduced cost. 

Brain Brolly

We are a collective of Psychologists with specialist training and years of experience in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology. All of our Psychologists have professional registration with the Health and Care Professions Council. 

We know about Brains and provide a number of services under our umbrella to protect people and their brains. This includes offering mental health, motivation and brain training to businesses, education staff and media professionals. We also offer clinical sessions for children, young people and adults across the ability span. 

We use only evidence based therapies shown to make positive changes for people and we contribute to the professional evidence base with our research work. We provide support when there are difficulties for people as well as proactive services to support people to be the best they can be. 

Welcome to Brain Brolly! 

Brain Brolly Services

Ask a Psychologist

Why not book one of our quick consults?

20 minutes online with one of our Psychologists for only £30

Mental Health, motivation and brain training for businesses to strategise increased productivity and reduced absenteeism

Assessments and therapy for children, young people and adults. Mental health; changes in physical health; neuropsychology and neurorehabilitation; positive psychology; life transitions such as maternity or return to work after illness

Mental health, motivation and brain training for schools and educators to support development of emotional intelligence, health and wellbeing of students and to strategise increased productivity and reduced absenteeism of staff.

Professional Clinical Psychology services for risk management in line with compliance to support mental health issues of actors, contributors and production teams pre-production, during production and post-production. 

Assessments and therapies for children, young people, families and adults where some or all of the people are in the public eye. 

See our latest research projects and collaborations