


Given the current outbreak of Coronavirus and the understandable anxiety that exists around this for many people, we have tried to be as helpful as possible by producing some resources which we hope will be useful. We are updating this all the time based on what people are asking us most regularly to comment on. If you have particular worries or concerns, please contact us. 

Our resources and how they work

We couldn’t be Brain Brolly if we didn’t think about that fact that people’s brains prefer different things so all of our resources are presented in a number of formats so that you can choose your preference. Each topic area has each of these things: 


Blogs – these are written documents for you to read. There are no pictures to distract from the text.

Play video

Text videos – these have text that appears as you move through the video so it’s a bit like guided reading in case you find the blogs too text heavy. They also have some pictures to aid your memory. If you are easily distracted, watch them with the sound off and if you need more than one thing happening to keep your brain engaged then turn the sound on to listen to the background music. 


Podcasts – if your brain doesn’t like reading or pictures, you can listen to our podcasts and hear us talk through the information 


Webinar style videos – these show presentations with one of us speaking over the top so you are watching the slide show and listening to us at the same time. These are great if your brain likes pictures with a verbal explanation. 


Vlogs/YouTube videos – these are for you if you need to see a person. You’ll see one of us talking to you about the topic. 


Picture Boards – these just show pictures to give simple non-verbal explanations of our topics for brains that focus on the key points rather than the detail 

You will notice that we have lots of resources for adults as well as for children and young people. Within our adult resources, we have created duplicate versions of everything: one for brains that prefer things clear and concise and one for brains that prefer some more detail based on cognitive ability. We’re aware that two versions probably aren’t really enough but it’s our starting point and we hope you find something you like. With the children and young people’s resources, we have given a rough age guide, but you can have a look around and decide which you think would be most appropriate taking cognitive ability into account.

Our explanations of clinical presentations and therapies are publically available as well as our basic self help guides to get you started. Our therapeutic resources are accessible within our membership site and are only available to qualified Clinical Psychologists for use in professional services. 

Adherence / compliance with treatment

Adjustment Reactions

Family coping around medical conditions

Life limiting conditions and/or deterioration of functions over time

Mental health difficulties related to medical conditions

Sleep disorders


Anger and aggression

Anxiety (including OCD, PTSD, phobias, panic attacks)


Eating disorders including body dysmorphic disorder

Grief and Loss

Mental Health

Postnatal Depression

Sleep issues

Toileting issues

Eating issues

Behavioural issues



Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Brain Injury

Executive Function

Foetal exposure to teratogens (such as alcohol, drugs or medications)



Neurodevelopmental conditions

Neurological Conditions

Neuropsychological Assessment


Better understand and boost your brain


Positive Psychology






Professionals (healthcare, emergency services, social workers, teachers, lawyers etc.)

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)

Systemic therapy

Behavioural therapy

Motivational Interviewing

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

Parenting approaches

Cognitive Analytical Therapy

Cognitive Remediation Therapy

Couples therapy

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy

Mentalisation based treatment

Mindfulness Based therapy

Narrative therapy

Schema therapy


Life coaching

Executive coaching

Trauma focused therapy

Family therapy