Trying for a Baby

Below is very simplified and general information about psychological aspects of trying for a baby. You may experience some or all of these things or your experience may be different. You are welcome to contact us to discuss what you are experiencing and what we can do to help. 

Trying for a baby can begin as an exciting time but if conceiving starts to take longer than expected, this can be highly emotive. There can be an impact on our relationships and/or on individual mental health and general wellbeing. Medical investigations and treatment options can feel overwhelming and there are lots of points where we either give up on trying or consider giving up. We can have many issues to consider such as donation, surrogacy, IVF, financial pressures and so on. Each cycle can feel like a rollercoaster. 

We all have different experiences and may feel different emotions during this time so some of our mental health information may be helpful. For example, we can feel anxious and worried, or down and depressed, or angry at what is happening and so on. There are some issues more specific to trying for a baby within these, such as experiencing symptoms of anxiety but perceiving these as signs of pregnancy and/or of things going well or not so well in a pregnancy. This in itself can be highly emotive and cause further symptoms beginning a vicious cycle. Similarly we can worry that our stress and worries are the reason that trying to conceive is taking longer than expected. During pregnancy there can be other worries.