
Coronavirus Resources

Given the current outbreak of coronavirus and the understandable anxiety that exists around this for so many people, we have tried to be as helpful as possible by producing some resources which we hope will be useful. We are updating this all of the time based on what people are asking us most regularly to comment on. If you have particular worries or concerns, please do get in touch.

The resources are currently presented as blog posts and have not yet been translated into all of our Brain Brolly formats. We hope to do this soon. 

How to talk to children and young people about Covid-19 without making them anxious

How to talk to children and young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder about Covid-19

How to continue to study during the coronavirus outbreak – a guide for students

Managing stress and anxiety during the coronavirus outbreak

Latest resources: 

Why looking after mental health during the coronavirus outbreak is important and how to do it

Why looking after mental health while working from home during the coronavirus outbreak is important and how to do it

Parenting During a Pandemic

Parenting can be challenging but none of us expected to be doing it like this! During a pandemic; while the schools are closed; while we’re all staying at home with no end in sight; while we’re working from home and/or panicking about jobs and finances; while we worry about our health and that of our loved ones; while half the world is in lockdown. Each day we will post a blog with parenting tips during this time. We hope it will be helpful and if nothing else, at least give a sense of all being in this together.

The tips will mainly focus on primary school/junior school age children (so roughly below about age 12). We have other resources for older children and we will add to these over time. We’re very happy to take suggestions for topics you would like to see covered and we’ll post based on what we’re asked about most. 

Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

Week 5:


Week 7:

Week 8: