
Below is a very simplified and general explanation of depression symptomatology. You may experience some or all of these things or your experience may be different. You are welcome to contact us to discuss whether what you are experiencing is depression and what we can do to help. 

What is depression?

Depression is a significant feeling of low mood over an extended period of time which has effects of how people physically as well as on how we feel, think and act. People often define depression first by what it is not. For example, it is not just low mood, feeling down or something people can just “snap out of” or “pull themselves together” about. We all feel down or low sometimes without it being a problem so depression is something different from this. 

How do you know when feeling down is a problem?

Low mood is a problem if:

  • It is happening to you more often than it is happening to other people in similar circumstances to you;
  • Low mood happens to a greater extent to you than to someone else in your situation so when you are down, you are more down than others would be;
  • And/or it is stopping you from doing the things you want to be doing.
  • For low mood to be depression, symptoms must have been present for an extended period of time. At least weeks if not longer. We can still help whether you are feeling low mood or clinical depression.
Symptoms of depressions

Physical symptoms – Lack of energy, Change in appetite, Disturbed sleep (sleeping too much or too little)

Cognitive symptoms – indecisive, Having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself

Emotional symptoms – Continuous low mood or sadness, Feeling hopeless or helpless, Feeling tearful, Feeling guilt-ridden, Feeling irritable, Not getting enjoyment out of life, Low self esteem, Feeling worthless, No confidence, Feeling of loss of control of your life

Behavioural symptoms – intolerant of people, Having no motivation or interest in thing