Family Coping around Medical Conditions
When someone is diagnosed with a physical health condition or is living with a physical health condition, the healthcare team appropriate focuses on that person but they may not be the only ones affected by the condition. Sometimes treatments mean lots of hospital visits for partners, parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends and so on. Sometimes treatments mean there has to be a focus on the person with the health condition and a feeling of not spending enough time with others, such as parents looking after a child with a health condition but worrying about time away from their other children. Sometimes treatments mean the person with the health condition having to do various things while others feel left out and unsure of how the person is really doing. Sometimes we feel we are smothering the person with the health condition and focusing on it too much. Sometimes it all just feels a bit overwhelming and/or out of our control.
Our Psychologists are highly trained to support everyone in the system around people with a physical health condition from the person themselves to family and friends.