Events for schools
We offer training for staff, children and young people in schools and on a number of relevant topics. We provide mental health training by mental health professionals to ensure the best evidence based information is provided. We provide brain training by professionally registered Clinical Psychologists with post-doctoral specialist training in neuropsychology and years of experience in the field. We provide training on complex psychological concepts by qualified professional Clinical Psychologists adapted to relevant developmental stages as appropriate.
We can offer consultation on lesson plans and assemblies on a bespoke basis.
We offer the following full day or half day staff training programmes:
- Mental health training
- Resilience and self care training
- Brain Training
- Motivation Training
- Bespoke training on individual conditions as requested
- Such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, performance anxiety around exams
We offer 1 hour long training programmes for children and young people. These are adapted to the relevant developmental stage.
- Mental Health Training
- Resilience and Self Care Training
- Motivation Training
- Boost Your Brain Training
- Brain Training for Young People (specific to the adolescent brain)
- Bespoke training on individual conditions as requested
- Such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, performance anxiety around exams
Half Day:
- What is mental health?
- When thinking about mental health, people will often give explanations around psychological wellbeing, emotional wellbeing or maybe offer something around wellness and/or the absence of illness. These ‘definitions’ can be unclear and/or confusing and for a profession specialising in working with children and young people, teachers need to provide clarity and be able to communicate with reference to different developmental stages and cognitive abilities.
- How do you know when mental health is a problem?
- There is now greater awareness of mental health issues but where is the line. We all have down days or times when we feel a but stressed but how do we know when there is a problem?
- Signs of a mental health issue
- How do you know if someone is having a mental health difficulty? Do you think they know and if not, how do you bring THAT up? Even if you have spotted a difficulty, decided it is a problem, brought it up with the person, what do you then do about it and how do you do it without being accused of prying or even bullying?
- What to do if you think someone has a mental health issue?
- You will most likely have heard lots about wellness, mindfulness and so on but what is the actual evidence around these things and what are the practical steps that you should take to keep people safe?
Full Day:
As educationalists you will be well aware of the importance of theory to practice links. Our half day programmes aim to increase knowledge whereas our full day programmes contain the same morning programme and allow for a workshop style afternoon to consider use of the knowledge in practice.
Communication around mental health workshop
This workshop will focus on some or all of the following but can be lead by participants based on questions from the morning session.
- People sometimes don’t want to speak about things they are finding difficult. How to get people to talk when they don’t really want to.
- How to lead the conversation while allowing others to lead the content.
- When people are struggling with mental health difficulties, they sometimes have a particular perspective on things. This can mean that communication is strained or difficult. But communication is key to creating an environment in which people feel comfortable to speak about mental health issues and supported in those mental health issues.
Mental Health Training for Children and Young People
We offer a workshop on mental health for children and young people. This lasts for 1 hour and is adapted to the relevant developmental stage and/or we can work with you on bespoke assemblies and lesson plans.
Half Day
- What is resilience and self care?
- After natural disasters, or other traumatic events, some people will be
traumatised while others seem to bounce back. Research evidence tells us that the difference here is resilience. If people are resilient, they can manage unimaginable things well. Hopefully you won’t have any natural disasters, but
you and the children and young people you work with will experience changes in your lives and this can be stressful. If you have built resilience in yourself, change is much easier to manage. Bust what is resilience? A state, a trait, a characteristic, a skill…? - We can all experience emotive things in our lives and having time to think about self care and preparation for change and/or stressors can be really helpful. But what is self care and what’s involved?
- After natural disasters, or other traumatic events, some people will be
- How are these relevant to schools?
- Education is all about preparing and empowering children and young people for their future. Here we have a look at some statistics about children and young people facing struggles and think about whether building resilience and self care skills could change things.
- What can we do about resilience and self care?
- Resilience and self care skills can seem quite personal to people and even intrinsic so here we look at abilities to make changes in these areas and think about practical applications for children, young people and staff in schools.
Full Day
As educationalists you will be well aware of the importance of theory to practice links. Our half day programmes aim to increase knowledge whereas our full day programmes contain the same morning programme and allow for a workshop style afternoon to consider use of the knowledge in practice.
Resilience Workshop
This workshop will focus on some or all of the following but can be lead by participants based on questions from the morning session.
- Communication about resilience and self care
- These are difficult concepts to understand let alone work on so this section focuses on communication of ideas about resilience and self care at different developmental stages and cognitive abilities
- Practical ideas for the classroom
- To strategise use of the training in practice in the classroom.
Resilience Training for Children and Young People
We offer a workshop on resilience and self care for children and young people. This lasts for 1 hour and is adapted to the relevant developmental stage and/or we can work with you on bespoke assemblies and lesson plans.
Full Day
We offer full day programmes covering intelligence, memory, attention and executive functioning in developing brains.
- Intelligence
What do we mean by intelligence and what does it tell us?
How do we measure intelligence and what changes do we expect over time?
Extremes of intelligence (learning disability and very superior intelligence)
Types of memory and how we measure them
Development of memory in children, young people and adults
Memory difficulties and how to support them
- Types of attention and how we measure them
- Development of attention in children, young people and adults
- Attentional difficulties and how to support them
- Executive Functions
- Types of executive function and how we measure them
- Development of executive functions
- Executive function difficulties and how to support them
Half Day
We offer a half day staff programme covering two of the functional areas from our full day programme – you will have the choice of which two are discussed.
Brain Training for Children and Young People
Boost Your Brain Power
We offer a workshop for children and young people on boosting your brain power. This lasts for 1 hour and is adapted to the relevant developmental stage and/or we can work with you on bespoke assemblies and lesson plans.
Brain Training for Young People
We offer a workshop for adolescents on executive function skills as these are developing during this developmental stage. This lasts 1 hour and/or we can work with you on bespoke assemblies and lesson plans.
Half day
- What is motivation?
- Most of us have had the experience of days where we get more done than other days and a feeling that sometimes we are avoiding things or can’t be bothered to do certain things. Usually what’s missing is motivation. But what is motivation, can we change it and if so, how?
- Why is it important in schools?
- Let’s be honest, there is lot to get through in the curriculum so schools are busy places. If you are not feeling very motivated it will be hard to motivate pupils and if pupils are not very motivated, you can feel frustrated and/or less motivated. But, these are only the superficial reasons why motivation is important in schools. In this section we think at a deeper level about the impact of motivation in school.
- How to boost motivation
- Often we think the key to boosting motivation is to tell people the benefits of doing something or why it is a good idea. In this section we look at why this doesn’t work and what to do instead.
Full Day
As educationalists you will be well aware of the importance of theory to practice links. Our half day programmes aim to increase knowledge whereas our full day programmes contain the same morning programme and allow for a workshop style afternoon to consider use of the knowledge in practice.
Motivation Workshop
This workshop will focus on some or all of the following but can be lead by participants based on questions from the morning session.
- Communication around motivation
- This is a difficult concept to understand let alone work on so this section focuses on communication of ideas about motivation at different developmental stages and cognitive abilities
- Practical ideas for the classroom
- To strategise use of the training in practice in the classroom.
Motivation Training for Children and Young People
We offer a workshop on motivation for children and young people. This lasts for 1 hour and is adapted to the relevant developmental stage and/or we can work with you on bespoke assemblies and lesson plans.
Bespoke training on individual conditions as requested
Such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, performance anxiety around exams. This would include descriptions of what these are, how they present, how to talk to people with and about these conditions and in the case of performance anxiety, what to do about it.
Again, this can be for staff or children and young people and/or we can work with you on bespoke assemblies and lesson plans.
Individual assessments and therapy
We can offer individual assessments and therapy for children, young people or staff with mental health difficulties. We can also offer proactive assessments and intervention to boost resilience or better understand your brain. These sessions can be organised at school, in our clinics and/or online where appropriate. Please see our clinical pages for details.
We can offer neuropsychological assessment and neurorehabilitation. This would be appropriate where there is concern about an aspect of brain function such as memory, attention or executive function. We can also provide attainment testing to consider reading abilities, maths abilities and so on to allow consideration of specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or dyscalculia.
Where there have been traumatic events at school, or concerns at a group level, we can arrange to be available to children, young people and staff as appropriate either for direct assessments and therapy or for drop in type sessions. Please contact us to discuss.
Ask a Psychologist
If you just want to ask us a quick question or find out if there is something we can help with, why not book one of our quick consults Ask a Psychologist sessions. 20 minutes online with one of our Psychologists for only £30.
Supervision / Mentoring / Ongoing Consultations
We may be able to provide mentoring to staff, such as school counsellors, around clinical presentations, if they have a professional qualification. We can also offer ongoing consultation sessions to relevant staff such as the leadership team or those with a pastoral care remit. Please contact us to find out more.
We are able to collaborate on research whereby we can offer testing of skills and abilities on neuropsychological tests and/or other psychometrics. Please contact us to find out more.
About Brain Brolly
Brain Brolly is a collective of Psychologists with specialist training and years of experience in Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology. All of our Psychologists have professional registration with the Health and Care Professions Council and have worked in the NHS in swamped services under pressure of long waiting lists. We want to bring Psychologists closer to people earlier in the problem cycle to support them more quickly and ease pressure on both the individual and the NHS system.
We are doing this in a number of ways including offering mental health, motivation and brain training to businesses, education services and media. We hope that by doing this we could have an impact early in the problem cycle for adults and early in the life cycle for children.